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About Us


Speech Pathologist

Dr. Virginia Hill

Virginia has been working in private practice since 1978.  After obtaining her Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Pathology from Flinders University she travelled to New York, where she obtained her Masters’ Degree in Speech Pathology from Columbia University in 1984. She obtained her PhD from LaTrobe University in 1999. Virginia is a member of Speech Pathology Australia, and is also a member of the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA).  She regularly attends conferences with ASHA in the USA.  She also edits journal articles for the Journal of Learning Disabilities.  She is an accredited diagnostician with Autism SA. She recently attended The American Speech and Language Association conference in Boston in Nov 2023.

Areas of Interest: Virginia has experience working with most types of communication disorders.  Her current caseload comprises many adults with voice disorders, children with autism and dyslexia, adults with neurogenic disorders (stroke and head injury) and preschoolers and school-aged children with language and learning difficulties.  She also has a special interest in stuttering and language disorders.

Speech Pathologist

Samantha T

Samantha joined the team at Virginia Hill Speech Pathology in 2021 after completing a Bachelor of Speech Pathology at Flinders University in 2020. She is a member of Speech Pathology Australia (SPA).

Samantha is a dilligent and thorough therapist and sets a very high standard for her work. She is well liked by clients and co-workers and really enjoys the variety of clients she has experienced so far at Virginia Hill Speech Pathology.

Samantha has a keen interest in Tennis. She also loves arts and crafts.

Areas of Interest:

Samantha is interested in AAC, Literacy, Speech, Language for all ages as well as early intervention and learning difficulty.

Speech Pathologist

Liam J

Liam joined the team at Virginia Hill Speech Pathology at the end of 2020. He has quickly developed a great relationship with clients and co-workers. He often receives excellent client feedback and loves seeing results from his therapy with a wide variety of clients.

Areas of Interest:

Liam is interested in Stroke, Swallowing and Brain Injury.

Speech Pathologist

Laura D

Laura has joined us in 2022. Laura came to us as a Speech Pathologist with a wealth of experience.

Laura enjoys building connections with her clients and their families and is interested in catering to a wide range of clients in all areas of practice but has particular interest in early intervention with children.

Areas of Interest: Speech and Language and Early Intervention.

Speech Pathologist

Sheryl D

Sheryl joined us in late 2021 and has been providing Level 1 & 2 Therapy Assisting since then.

Now a fully qualified Speech Pathologist and a member of Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) Sheryl runs therapy sessions utilising the great skills she learnt during her study, placements and therapy assisting experiences.

She enjoys meeting new clients as well as working together with children and their families/caregivers, adolescents and adults. She is keen on extending her clinical knowledge and skills across the various speech pathology areas to provide quality care and support to all clients.

Areas of Interest: Speech, Language, Literacy, AAC, Early Intervention and learning difficulties.

Speech Pathologist

Emma Y

Emma has joined us in 2022. She has been providing Level 2 Therapy Assisting to our clients. Emma is now a fully qualified Speech Pathologist and will now run Therapy sessions to utilise all the great skills she has picked up during her study, Time as a Level 2 with our practice and placements. ​

Emma enjoys building connections with her clients and their families and is interested in catering to a wide range of clients in all areas of practice but has particular interest in early intervention with children.

Areas of Interest: Speech and Language and Early Intervention.

Speech Pathologist

Emma M

Emma M became a part of the team at Virginia Hill Speech Pathology in Feb 2024 after completing a Master’s of Speech Pathology at Flinders University in 2023. She is also member of Speech Pathology Australia (SPA).

Emma has a wealth of experience including several specialist training programs and certifications : KWS, What’s the Buzz, SCERTS, and Sounds-Write. Emma is also a fully qualified SOS Feeding therapist specialising in fussy eating and dysphagia in adults. Emma is passionate about continuously expanding her clinical knowledge and skills in these specialised areas.

Emma encompasses a holistic and child-led approach when working with clients to ensure a positive therapy experience.

Areas of Interest:

Emma is highly passionate about feeding therapy, social communication, and literacy development, and provides care and support to all clients and their families in developing a safe and comforting therapy experience.

Speech Pathologist

Lydia H

Lydia joined us in 2018 and has quickly become a wonderful asset to the business.

She is interested in many areas of speech pathology with voice coaching being a particular area of interest for her.

She has worked for The Rural Doctors Workforce Agency to fly in and out to Aboriginal Communities in remote South Australia predominantly working with children with a history of middle ear infections and the hearing impaired.

She was also involved in training and up-skilling teacher support networks in these communities. She initiated a Mums and Bubs group creating early intervention skills and teaching mums about child development and ear hygiene.

Lydia has previously worked for NSW Community Health predominantly servicing lower socio-economic communities.

She has volunteered in Mexico in an orphanage for the disadvantaged.


Speech Pathologist

Bianka P

Bianka joined VHSP in early 2022. She came on board as a Therapy Assistant and has quickly become a valued and enthusiastic worker. Nothing is too much trouble and Bianka has an exceptional level of patience. She has also been recently providing wonderful reception support for our whole team while we seek new reception staff for 2023.

Bianka’s  main area of interest is working with a range of pre-school and school aged students with speech, language or literacy delays/disorders.

Bianka has completed two school placements so far and has been enjoying working with kids at schools and in our clinic.

Speech Pathologist

Vicki C

Vicki will join us as a fully qualified Speech Pathologist in early 2024. Her interests lie in swallowing and language acquisition and literacy skills. She also finds anatomy and physiology very fascinating and is excited to learn more about the pathophysiology of speech, language and swallowing disorders in her future studies. Vicki is also fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese and Japanese.

Vicki is interested in conducting assessments in other languages and is currently researching how to develop this skill. VIcki has worked at Autism SA and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our clinic.

Level 2 Therapy Assistant

Bhakti J

Bhakti joined us in 2021. She has quickly become a valuable member of the Team providing excellent resource making skills and is now beginning to assist as a Level 2 Therapy Assistant. She enjoys the variety of therapy techniques offered at VHSP. The range is endless beginning form the use of games/resources to outside excursions in order to role-play real life scenarios. Bhakti believes this provides clients with practical experience which they are able to apply in their daily lives outside the clinic.

Areas of Interest: Stuttering and other fluency related disorders.

Facilities Assistant

Lia K

Lia joined us in February 2024. Lia already holds the title of “Most well liked” staff member ever in our clinic. Lia helps us re-set the clinic every weekend. Her attention to detail is exceptional and we love having her as part of our team.

Level 2 Therapy Assistant

Rosanna B

Rosanna is a current Flinders University student studying Speech Pathology. Her main interest so far is in paediatric development, specifically language acquisition and literacy skills. She also finds anatomy and physiology very fascinating and is excited to learn more about the pathophysiology of speech, language and swallowing disorders in her future studies. When her head is not in the books,  she enjoys working as a Disney Princess for children’s events!

Virginia Hill Speech Pathology provides such a wonderful working environment to help people of all ages grow and learn. Rosie feels very fortunate to work with such a wonderful team who feel more like family to her than colleagues.

Cuteness and Smiles Officer

Flash C

Flash will be visiting us from time to time in the clinic. His duties are being a good boy, sleeping and being cute. He is a wonderful addition to the team and he has many years experience carrying out his specified duties.

Flash’s favourite hobbies are walks on the beach, sleeping, cuddling and EATING.

Office Assistant

Jess G

Jess joined VHSP in early 2000’s. Offering supreme organisational skills Jess resets the clinic each weekend ready for another busy week of Therapy. Jess also creates excellent resources for our clients and also is always on the look out for excellent Toys and Games for our clinic when she is out and about.

Jess is a wonderful asset for our clinic and we really need the great reset work she does each weekend.

Office Assistant

Emily R

Emily joined VHSP in 2018. Offering supreme organisational skills Emily resets the clinic each weekend ready for another busy week of Therapy. Emily also creates excellent resources for our clients and also is always on the look out for excellent Toys and Games for our clinic when she is out and about.

Emily is a wonderful asset for our clinic and we really need the great reset work she does each weekend.


Hanna S-N

Hanna has recently joined us and is enjoying meeting everyone and is providing wonderful reception support for our whole team. Quickly becoming an invaluable member of our team Hanna is now in the clinic on Tuesday Thursday Friday and Saturday and enjoying meeting all our clients face to face.

Hanna is very interested in the many varied aspects of therapy that are delivered at our clinic and she is a very friendly and welcoming addition to our team.


Kaylah W

Kaylah joined us earlier this year and hit the ground running. Kaylah’s wonderful reception support for our whole team has contributed greatly to the success of our business and has provided excellent breathing space for the existing reception team to handle their all of their tasks more efficiently. Kaylah is an exceptional listener and brings seasoned experience in appointment setting to our practice.

Kaylah is fascinated by the diversity of clients visiting our clinic and is keen to expand her skills to encompass the many varied aspects of therapy required by our amazing clients.

Accounts Assistant and Reception

Josephine M

Josephine has joined us earlier this year and has already become a wonderful addition to our Team. Josephine provides support for our Accounts management and is very interested in learning about all aspects of Speech Pathology. Josephine’s current work days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and alternate Saturdays.




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